access to excess
6h Performance

Like a theater performance, a party can simply be cancelled. And this is exactly what just happened across the board. But unlike a party, theater can address its own failure, and this is the core of the Access to Excess project. The basic idea is simple and effective: What happens to a club event, what happens to sweaty bodies driven by booming bass and hard beats, if you really do follow all the hygiene rules? The DJ turns into a supervisor and the atmosphere of ecstatic partying coincides with the safety thinking of public indoor swimming pools.
We are particularly interested in which bodily control mechanisms and body/ value concepts are reflected in these practices and to what extent the idea of
constant progress in terms of hygienic possibilities can be deconstructed. Transferred to a contemporary club setting, we investigate with young people choreographically as well as visually how we want to ask and answer the new and old questions about hygiene and ecstasy.
Happy Meal
Happy Meal
von service not included
„Happy Meal“ ist die erste Episode einer Versuchsreihe, die die performativen Potentiale des gemeinsamen Essens erprobt. In dieser Ausgabe beschäftigen wir uns mit Abhängigkeiten, Intimität und Care Work. Wir laden ein in den Sternschuppen, den Pavillon der Volksbühne, zum gemeinsamen Essen und Trinken und zur teilnehmenden Auseinandersetzung mit Grenzen und Potenzialen der Ökonomisierung von Nähe, Zuwendung und Care Arbeit.
________________________________englisch version:
“Happy Meal” is the first episode of an experimental series that explores the performative potentials of eating together. In this issue we look at dependencies, intimacy and care work. We invite you to Sternschuppen, the pavilion of Volksbühne, to eat and drink together and to participate in an exploration of the limits and potentials of the economizationofintimacy, affection and care work.
Friday, 27.01.2023
19:00 Uhr - Open End
22:00 last dish
Free entrance
Pavillon der Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz
Concept: Marie Jaksch, Charlotte Oeken
Text and conceptual collaboration: Joscha Faralisch
Styling: Kerstin Grießhaber
Performance: Julian Billmair , Katrin Eißing , Antonia Meier, Nil Neumann, Mara Pollak, Susann Schelbert, Nikolas Stäudte, Miriam Amin, Adam Salman
Culinary table concepts- Taube Grau
Graphic: Sophia Krasomil
Photo Anna Luisa Richter
Funded by Fonds Darstellende Künste aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen von NEUSTART KULTUR